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Join us every Thursday evening in July and August for our Hometown Market!

Buckley Hometown Market is a unique market that promotes downtown Buckley and draws visitors from far and wide, meets community needs, but also builds a strong sense of community that is connected to history, culture, each other, and helps us preserve our small town charm.

Each week we will highlight one of the following community needs and offer assistance and resources if possible:

  • Access to Resources (including health, counseling, basic needs)
  • Transit Options
  • Food Access
  • Opportunities for Social Connections
  • Addressing Mental Health
  • Youth-Focused Opportunities

Join us downtown Buckley in an inclusive, fun, engaged space for a pre-evening stroll through local vendors, grab a bite to eat at one of our local food establishments before heading down to Tunes by the Trails, or gather with friends or family & check out local art, music, and free games. It is a night to remember with hopefully some beautiful plateau sunsets!

Are you interested in our Hometown Markets? Both vendors and organizations can apply below.

Click below to fill out our application to either be a vendor or if you are an organization that is interested in bringing awareness and resources to the community. Get your special vendor discount by becoming a general or founding member and save even more!



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